Using Styles
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What are Styles and what do they do?
Styles in MyScreen are drawing tools that give you flexibility to annotate your screen in different ways. All styles require that you hold the left mouse button down as you move the mouse pointer on the screen.
The current drawing style can be changed by selecting a new style from the toolbar, from the annotation rightclick menu, by typing a style's shorcut key, or by changing to a different annotation scheme.
MyScreen's styles, their respective mouse pointer shapes, their shortcut keys, and explanations of their use follow:
Arrow (shortcut key: A)
This style draws a straight arrow from your starting point to your ending point. The arrow head appears where you release the mouse button.
Caret (shortcut key: C)
This style draws a caret from your starting point to your ending point. If you drag upwards, the caret points up. If you drag downwards, the caret points down.
Clone (shortcut key: O)
This style allows you to clone, or copy, a source area of the screen to a different target area. There are two modes of clone tool: Aligned and Free. Toggle between modes by pressing the 'H' key on the keyboard or by clicking the Align button on the toolbar.
In Aligned mode, your mouse pointer will be black and white until you click somewhere on the screen. That click establishes a fixed distance between the clicked spot and the CloneSource circle. Now when you click and drag the mouse, whatever the CloneSource moves over will be copied to where your mouse pointer is. If you release the mouse button and stop dragging, the distance from CloneSource to your mouse pointer remains the same. When you click and drag again, the distance between your mouse and the CloneSource will be the same as it was when you cloned earlier.
In Free mode, there is no remembered fixed distance between the CloneSource circle and your mouse pointer. If you release the mouse button and stop dragging, the distance from the CloneSource to your mouse is ignored. When you click and drag again, the CloneSource circle will become active and follow your mouse movements.
In either mode, doubleclicking anywhere on the screen will reposition the CloneSource to the area on which you doubleclicked. You can also drag the CloneSource to a new area on the screen. In Aligned mode, these actions will also reset the fixed cloning distance and your mouse pointer will return to its black and white state.
Double Line (shortcut key: D)
This style draws straight double lines from your starting point to your ending point.
Ellipse (shortcut key: E)
This style draws an ellipse. Begin dragging from the top corner of your desired Ellipse. This style draws outward from your starting point.
Flood Fill (shortcut key: F)
This style fills an area of contiguous color with a different color. Click and hold down the mouse button for .5 seconds on any color on the screen and that color will be replaced with the current drawing color.
Line (shortcut key: L)
This style draws a straight line from your starting point to your ending point.
Marquee (shortcut key: M)
This style draws a marquee between your starting point and your ending point. Begin dragging from any corner of your desired marquee. Position your mouse pointer over the toolbar Maquee button to see the width and height of the current marqueed selection.
You can quickly move a marqueed selection to another location with a click and drag or quickly copy it to another location with a doubleclick and drag. Tripleclick to promote a marqueed selection to a Floating Marqueed selection. See the Floating Marquee topic for examples of effects you can apply to the selection.
You can add a rounded rectangular frame to a marqueed area by rightclicking the toolbar Rounded Rectangle button. The rounded rectangle will be created using the current width and color settings.
You can add a rectangular frame to a marqueed area by rightclicking the toolbar Rectangle button. The rectangle will be created using the current width and color settings.
The Cut command on the Screen menu will cut a marqueed area to the Windows Clipboard and fill the newly empty area with color as defined in the Program Activation tab of the Customization and Options dialog box.
The Crop command on the Screen menu will replace the contents of the current annotation screen with the a marqueed selection and fill the rest of the screen with color as defined in the Program Activation tab of the Customization and Options dialog box.
The Copy, Print, Save As, and Email commands on the Screen menu will use a marqueed selection if one exists. Otherwise, the commands will use the entire screen.
Rectangle (shortcut key: R)
This style draws a rectangle between your starting point and your ending point. Begin dragging from any corner of your desired rectangle. Rightclicking the toolbar Rectangle button when there is a marqueed area will create a rectangular frame around the marqued area.
Rounded Rectangle (shortcut key: N)
This style draws a rounded rectangle between your starting point and your ending point. Begin dragging from any corner of your desired rounded rectangle. Rightclicking the toolbar Rounded Rectangle button when there is a marqueed area will create a rounded rectangular frame around the marqued area.
Scribble (shortcut key: S)
This style draws freehand from your starting point to your ending point.
Text (shortcut key: T)
This style opens a text box in which you can type text.
You can change the font color, font size, and font face.
Shortcut keys Ctrl+B, Ctrl+I, and Ctrl+U will toggle Bold, Italics, and Underline respectively. Set text alignment by selecting Left, Center, or Right from the Text Box rightclick menu. Toggle transparency by selecting Transparent from the Text Box rightclick menu. Set Text Box color by holding the Alt key down when selecting a color from the Font Color list.
Wash (shortcut key: W)
This style is used to erase changes you've made to the screen. When you drag over an area and release the mouse button, that portion of the original screen will reappear. Rightclicking the toolbar Wash button is the same as pressing the Delete key on your keyboard.
X-Sign (shortcut key: X)
This style draws an X. Begin dragging from the top corner of your desired X. This style draws outward from your starting point.
The shareware version of MyScreen requires that a style be listed on the Style menu for its shorcut key to work. You can customize the Style menu listing in the Style tab of the Customization and Options dialog box. All shortcut keys work at any time in the registered version.
The registered version will remember your custom style choices between uses.