Using Undo
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What are Undo Commands and what do they do?
Undo Commands in MyScreen are used to restore the annotation screen to a prior version of itself.
MyScreen's Undo Commands, their shorcut keys, and explanations of their use follow:
Last (shortcut key: ctrl+Z)
This command will undo the last annotation performed. Selecting it again before any other annotations are made will redo the undone annotation.
Rightclicking the toolbar Undo Last button when there is a Floating Marquee onscreen will undo the last applied Floating Marquee effect.
All (shortcut key: ctrl+shift+Z)
This command will erase all annotations and return you to the original annotation screen of the current annotation session.
Effect (shortcut key:alt+Z)
This command will undo the last Marquee Effect. Selecting it again before any other effect is applied will redo the undone effect. This command is only available when there is a floating Marquee selection and an effect has been applied.