Using Undo
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What are Undo Commands and what do they do?  
Undo Commands in MyScreen are used to restore the annotation screen to a prior version of itself.  
MyScreen's Undo Commands, their shorcut keys, and explanations of their use follow:  
sc-undolast Last (shortcut key: ctrl+Z)  
   This command will undo the last annotation performed. Selecting it again before any other annotations are made will redo the undone annotation.  
      Rightclicking the toolbar Undo Last button sc-undolast when there is a Floating Marquee onscreen will undo the last applied Floating Marquee effect.  
sc-undoall All (shortcut key: ctrl+shift+Z)  
   This command will erase all annotations and return you to the original annotation screen of the current annotation session.  

fm-undoeffect Effect (shortcut key:alt+Z)  
   This command will undo the last Marquee Effect. Selecting it again before any other effect is applied will redo the undone effect. This command is only available when there is a floating Marquee selection and an effect has been applied.