How to Activate Annotation Mode
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How to Activate Annotation Mode
There are five ways to activate MyScreen's Annotaion Mode. Four use the mouse and the last uses the keyboard.
When MyScreen is running, there will be an icon in your computer's System Tray that looks like a monitor with a pencil drawing on it. To freeze your screen and begin annotating, you can do any of the following:
· | Click once on the icon with your left mouse button.
· | Click once on the icon with your right mouse button and select the Annotate command from the popup menu.
· | Click once on the icon with your right mouse button and select the Open command from the popup menu to access an Open Graphic dialog box and choose a graphic file to display.
· | Click once on the icon with your right mouse button and select the Paste command from the popup menu to display the contents of the Windows Clipboard.
· | Press the Control key on your keboard, and with it still pressed, press the "F1" key. Then release both keys.
(See About Shortcut Keys for an explanation of our default shortcut key choice.)