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SoloEtte Testimonials


Sharon Isbin


Sharon Isbin - "A fabulous invention…now I can travel anywhere in the world and maintain my technique and repertoire with ease and convenience."


John Stowell and Gustavo Assis Brasil


John Stowell and Gustavo Assis-Brasil with their SoloEttes at the Berklee College of Music in August of 2006.




John Stowell, Jazz Guitarist and Clinician - "My Soloette looks and sounds great, is beautifully designed, and is a ball to play. Its size and portability are an added bonus. I'll be spreading the word about this wonderful instrument."

Gustavo Assis-Brasil , Guitarist, Composer, Author, Director of the Jazz and Contemporary Music Department at Cambridge School of Weston - Thanks for the wonderful guitar you made for me. I felt in love with the instrument right away! Besides being an amazing electric instrument, the Dragon Fly guitar has an incredible acoustic sound! How can you do that?? Unbelievable! It is almost louder than my vintage Gibson 335! The shape/design is also incredible! What a beautiful instrument. Even non- musicians felt in love with it! I already played 2 concerts with mine! The neck is perfect. The 25.5 scale makes the guitar sound like an acoustic and feels good under my fingers. I lowered the action more and I can still have a great sound without buzzing. It is very, very low right now. I love the frets! (I still haven't touched the truss rod)... I can't stop playing my Soloette!! It's my favorite guitar (note: I own 12 guitars)!

Richard Medel , Jazz/Classical guitarist, composer, author and former Adjunct Professor at the Sherwood Conservatory of Music, Chicago, Illinois - I needed a great travel instrument for gigging and practice and came upon an older Soloette Travel (2003-2004) with a Moses Graphite neck. To suite my taste, I contacted Vanessa Roy at Soloette and asked if Rossco would customize this older version with a modern touch as follows:

-Remove the original bridge pickup and replace with RMC piezo saddles onto a Nashville style bridge

-Route and Install a DiMarzio Air Zone in the neck position

-Patch up blemishes left from the original design

-Install an ebony pickguard

-Rewire the electronics to include a blend knob to allow both the Air Zone and RMC to work together.

-Make a new set of frames in the Vintage Soloette style.

Vanessa Roy was awesome to work with and Rossco did an amazing job in transforming my older Soloette to have a modern look and sound. It is now my main instrument on almost all of my recordings ( and will soon have another made by Soloette. My hats off to a great company, Soloette.

Jean-Felix Lalanne "I never leave my house without the SoloEtte because it's so light that I even take it in case I have an idea as I take an umbrella bewaring the rain. Of course, in tour, in the train, in the plane, in the car. The body kit of the guitar is so smart that I can adapt it to any work situations and the headphone give a real freedom because no need of an external audio device.  What ever could I need but ideas now?"

Ron Purcell, Director of Guitar Area, California State University, Northridge, and Director of International Guitar Research Archive - "Without disturbing people, I can practice whenever I want"

Mark Tyers, Adjunct Professor of Classic Guitar Studies, Montana State University, Bozeman - "It gets used almost everyday"

Bryan Johanson, Professor of Music, Portland State University, Oregon - "Completely brilliant! It works so well!"

Gregory Newton, Professor of Guitar, Californian State University, Northridge - "The ideal way to stay in preparation for concerts and tours when I'm out of town"

Anton Machleder, Professor of Classical Guitar Studies, Houghton College, NY - "It feels real, and when I travel, I don't have to worry about a broken guitar"

Muriel Anderson, 1989 fingerpicking guitar champion, performing artist, columnist - "The SoloEtte has solved all the problems of a travel guitar. It is truly the best design I have played"

Richard Smith, Associate Professor, Chair - USC Studio Guitar Department - "I brought the SoloEtte along on all 647 road dates I have played in the last 4 years - it is a superb practice instrument, writing tool, and a good friend"

Benjamin Verdery - "Envious of flutists and other small instrument players? Tired of carrying your guitar absolutely everywhere? Want to practice in trains, planes and laundrymats? These issues and many more not plague me since my purchase of the SoloEtte. It's sleek and my life is complete! Bravo Senor Wright."

Available Factory Direct, or through our Authorized Dealers


Wright Guitar Technology, Inc.
P.O. Box 2704
Eugene, OR 97402

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Copyright 2009 Wright Guitar Technology

Copyright © 2009 SoloEtte.