
GraduEtte Specifications

The GraduEtte™

The original SoloEtte has gained the approval of serious players who own the finest, handbuilt Classic guitars in the world. This new model, the GraduEtte, is aimed at the approval of the guitar teachers and music educators around the world who need to know that their students are practicing on an adequate instrument that is correctly engineered.

The GraduEtte model is a disassembling, frame design Classical Guitar format drawn from the original sketches of the first SoloEtte models. The SoloEtte was then refined to become artisically elegant with attention to details in workmanship and fine tooling. (See SoloEtte Classic Specs page). After making 3000 SoloEttes, we decided to offer a less expensive model by cutting all the corners except for two important things. The neck, frets, and playability had to be very correct, and the stereo headphones amplifier inside had to be the same special sound that players love about the SoloEtte model. Everything else was economized.

The GraduEtte is perfect for use as rentals at Music stores. The headphones-ready feature is completely cool with youngsters (they probably already own headphones). The GraduEtte is designed and priced for Music Schools to own a dozen for use in classrooms. It plugs into the inputs used in a keyboard-lab such that a guitar class could be held in the keyboard lab classroom, the same as the way the keyboard class teacher can monitor each student from the central unit upfront and speak with each student into the headphones, then click to the next student. Pilot programs are underway and we will have pictures here soon.

If you came to this page first, please checkout the rest of the SoloEtte line to gain perspective as to the concept of the GraduEtte.


Wright Guitar Technology, Inc.
P.O. Box 2704
Eugene, OR 97402

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Copyright 2009 Wright Guitar Technology

Copyright © 2009 SoloEtte.