Using Screen Commands
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What are Screen Commands and what do they do?
Screen Commands in MyScreen are used to generate output from your annotated screens and to load existing graphics for annotation.
You can activate a Screen Command by selecting it from the toolbar, from the annotation rightclick menu, or by typing a Screen Command shorcut key.
MyScreen's Screen Commands, their shorcut keys, and explanations of their use follow:
Zoom In (shortcut key: numeric keypad +) | Example
This command is only available when there is a marqueed area on the current annotation screen. It will increase the size and magnification of the marqueed area.
A floating marquee will appear with a dropshadow behind it to signify that it has not yet been added to the screen. You can undo the zoom, zoom in again, or drag the zoomed selection to a new location on your screen. Clicking anywhere outside of the zoomed selection or pressing the Enter key will add it to your current screen.
Zoom Out (shortcut key: numeric keypad -)
This command is only available when there is a marqueed area on the current annotation screen. It will decrease the size and magnification of the marqueed area.
A floating marquee will appear with a dropshadow behind it to signify that it has not yet been added to the screen. You can undo the zoom, zoom out again, or drag the zoomed selection to a new location on your screen. Clicking anywhere outside of the zoomed selection or pressing the Enter key will add it to your current screen.
Crop (shortcut key: ctrl+R) | Example
This command is only available when there is a marqueed area on the current annotation screen. It will replace the current screen with just the contents of the marqueed area and fill the rest of the screen with color as defined in the Program Activation tab of the Customization and Options dialog box.
A floating marquee will appear with a dropshadow behind it to signify that it has not yet been added to the screen.
Cut (shortcut key: ctrl+X)
This command will cut a marqueed area out of the current annotation screen and place it on the Windows Clipboard so you can use it in another application. If there is no marqueed selection, the entire screen is stored. The empty area left behind the cut area will be filled with either the color of the bottom left corner of of the cut area or with the color specified in the Program Activation tab of the Customization and Options dialog box.
Rightclicking the toolbar Cut button will open the Clips shorcut menu. With MyScreen you can store up to seven clips for later use. The Cut Clips menus can also be accessed from the screen rightclick menu.
Copy (shortcut key: ctrl+C) | Example
This command will copy a marqueed area of the current annotation screen and place it on the Windows Clipboard so you can use it in another application. If there is no marqueed selection, the entire screen is stored.
Rightclicking the toolbar Copy button will open the Clips shorcut menu. With MyScreen you can store up to seven clips for later use. The Copy Clips menus can also be accessed from the screen rightclick menu.
Doubleclicking the toolbar Copy button is the same as pressing the Prnt Scrn key on your keyboard. You will thus be able to include the Toolbar and Floating Marquee selections in your screen shots.
Paste (shortcut key: ctrl+V)
This command places the contents of the Windows Clipboard on top of the current annotation screen. The inserted image will be placed in a floating marquee. If there is already a floating marquee on screen when you paste, its contents will be overwritten with the new image.
Rightclicking the toolbar Paste button will open the Clips shorcut menu. With MyScreen you can store up to seven clips for later use. The Paste Clips menu can also be accessed from the screen rightclick menu.
Open (shortcut key: ctrl+O) | Example
This command will access an Open Graphic dialog box from which you can choose a graphic file to load into the current annotation screen. The loaded image will be placed in a floating marquee and will replace the current annotation screen content. Any area of the annotation screen not used by the opened image file will be filled with color as defined in the Program Activation tab of the Customization and Options dialog box.
Insert (shortcut key: ctrl+I)
This command will access an Open Graphic dialog box from which you can choose a graphic file to load into the current annotation screen. The loaded image will be placed in a floating marquee and will not replace the current annotation screen content. If there is already a floating marquee on screen when you insert, its contents will be overwritten with the new image.
Save As (shortcut key: ctrl+S) | Example
This command will save a marqueed area of the current annotation screen to one of seven file types. If there is no marqueed area, the entire screen is saved.
If the file type to save as is JPG, a JPG Image Compression dialog box will prompt you for encoding and compression settings after you specify a location and filename and click the Save button. If the file type to save as is GIF, a GIF Transparency dialog box will prompt you for transparency settings after you specify a location and filename and click the Save button.
Print (shortcut key: ctrl+P) | Example
This command will print a marqueed area of the current annotation screen. If there is no marqueed area, the entire screen is printed. Output that is greater than the size of a printed page will be scaled down to fit on one page automatically.
Email (shortcut key: ctrl+E) | Example
This command opens a MyScreen Email dialog box. If there is a marqueed area on the current annotation screen it will be saved and attached to the email. If there is no marqueed area, the entire screen will be saved and attached to the email. The graphic format of the attached file can be set in the Screen tab of the the Customization and Options dialog box.
If the file type to save as is JPG, a JPG Image Compression dialog box will prompt you for encoding and compression settings before the Email dialog box appears; generally a setting of 15 will suffice. If the file type to save as is GIF, a GIF Transparency dialog box will prompt you for transparency settings before the Email dialog box appears.
If you do not know what mail server to specify in the SMTP field, contact your Internet Service Provider and ask.
The shareware version of MyScreen requires that a Screen Command be listed on the Screen menu for its shorcut key to work. You can customize the Screen menu listing in the Screen tab of the Customization and Options dialog box. All shortcut keys work at any time in the registered version.