Zoom G5 G3X G3 B3 Y-Adapter Control Out

Many G5/G3 users have wanted a way to use both an external expression pedal and an external footswitch with their Zoom units. But the Zoom pedals have only one Control In jack, designed to accommodate either an expression pedal with a stereo cord or a footswitch with a mono cord.

When two plugs need access to one jack you need a Y-adapter or a splitter cable. For the Zoom pedals, you need a stereo male plug with two female stereo jacks. That's as close as you'll get to start with anyway.

What we really need is a stereo male plug with a stereo female jack and a mono female jack. The female stereo jack is for your expression pedal and the female mono jack is for the footswitch. I don't know of any company that sells an adapter like this so we'll take what we can get and mod it so that it does what we need.

The ashbass Tap Tempo Mod is one way to achieve this.

Here is another way to get an ezpression pedal and a foot switch to work together out of the one Control In jack. This works on my G5 and G3X. Can someone verify that it works on a G3 or B3 as well?

These mods worked for ashbass and are not guaranteed to work for anyone else. Some modders have ruined their pedals.
Most agree that too much heat, or heat left on too long, burnt something up. Some symptoms are the lights at the top of
the pedal not working. And of course, the pedal not working.
So if you are going to do the mod, you are doing so at your own risk.

Here is a typical Y-adapter from Radio Shack. It has a stereo male plug with two stereo female jacks feeding it. We need to make one of those female jacks mono instead of stereo.
Zoom G3X
Doing your best to be carefull, open the adapter so that you can see the insides. They should look something like the image to the right.
Zoom G3X
Make sure that you understand how the adapter works.

Here, the red box is showing the internal connection points for the TIPs of inserted plugs.
Zoom G3X
Here, the red box is showing the internal connection points for the RINGs of inserted plugs.
Zoom G3X
And here, the red box is showing the internal connection points for the SLEEVEs of inserted plugs.
Zoom G3X
Changing one side from stereo to mono requires two steps.

First remove the RING connector from one side of the adapter.

Then bend the TIP connector so that it contacts an inserted plug from the other side of the plug. This is necessary to keep the plug held in place inside the adapter.
Zoom G3X

That's it. Put the adapter back together and test it out.

It is important to note that the footswitch will only work when the expression pedal is all the way toe-down.
