Flying V with P90 Pickups
Here's some info compiled from threads on various forums. This faded has since moved on to another happy owner, without the P90 kits of course. I couldn't live without it, though, so I made another one. Let me know what you think: ashbass@com.ashbass P90 Vs rock ! My custom "Flying V P90" pickguards came in over the weekend (I've a white one too) and I got to test out my idea that P90s would fit perfectly in my V. Well, they do. The pickup route is huge on a V so there was no extra routing required. It's pretty much a 'drop-in' procedure. I can switch between a P90 loaded pickguard and a humbucker pickguard in about 10 minutes. There's no need for a soldering iron either since I put quick connect tabs on the bridge ground wire.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It sounds great. P90s kick @ss and the V feels so good in hand. Getting the pup heights took more work than on a LP but only for the bridge. The neck pup screwed directly into the body. The bridge pup is practically sitting on top of the pickguard. I had to put a block of wood, instead of a popsicle stick, underneath for a shim. Still, all is mounted to wood. I'm very satisfied with the results. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pickguards by Terrapin Guitars at The P90s on this one are MightyMite ($20 on ebay) The finish on the faded is rubbed out by hand (mine) using Meguiars #9. The faded finish is just a thinner coat of finish that hasn't been rubbed out. So I rubbed it out myself. The quick change thing is just that instead of soldering the string's ground wire to a pot (which breaks easily after a few re-assemblies) I soldered a stranded wire to the pot and another to the string ground wire with clips on the other ends. I got the clips from radio shack. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ok, I got around to trying different combinations on my two Vs and here are the results.