G3 G5 Amp Model Tone Suck

True Bypass Tone?

First, I consider tbt with these pedals to mean that my guitar sounds the same when played without the pedal and with the pedal when all effects/models in a patch are off.

Now a word on Global menu Output settings. If Global=>Output is set at Direct, you'll have true bypass tone in every patch so long as you turn off all the effects/models in it. You will also have tbt when in Tuner mode.

From my reading, most users agree that Global=>Output set at Direct is too harsh for using an amp model in a patch so they pick one of the other Global=>Output options. Anything but Global=>Output set at Direct adds hard-wired EQ to the patch. This is important: These Outputs add EQ to the *patch*, NOT to the amp model in the patch. So even if your amp model is off, that added EQ is still there. It's still there and still affecting everthing else in the patch. AND, it is still there when you go into Tuner "Bypass" mode.

It's easy to test. Set Global=>Output other than Direct. Make two patches, one totally empty and the other with just an amp model in it with the model off. Then switch back and forth as you play (ashbass mod :-). The empty patch will sound crisper with more defined highs. The patch with the amp model off will sound muffled in comparison. I test with the verse to Red Barchetta and the difference is clear to me. YMMV

True Bypass Tone rules:
- An empty patch.
- All patches when Global=>Output is Direct.
        TBT when all effects/models in a patch are off.
- All patches when Global=>Output is not Direct.
        TBT when there are no amp models in a patch and all effects in that patch are off.

Another way to think of it is to say that the G3/G5 is *always* Direct unless you have an amp model in the patch AND you have Global=>Output set other than Direct.

Simple, hmm?

Here's a true bypass demo I did when I first got a G3. I don't recall if Global=>Output was set at Direct. But it doesn't matter because I know that there wasn't an amp model in the patch and "no amp model in the patch" means that regardless of the Global=>Output setting you will have tbt if all effects in the patch are off.



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